Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy, Vanha Talvitie 2-6 A 5, 00580 Helsinki, puh. 045 650 8000,

Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy


Advertising agency Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy is a digital agency that serves customers in many ways. All the way from search engine optimization to creating easily manageable websites and e-commerce applications. Dig down to find what you need, contact us and we will tell you more!



Advertising agency Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy proudly presents our dear customers with whom we have created awesome products. We at Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy have over 20 years of experience in advertising and communication. We have done lots of great stuff, so if you're intrested to see more contact us and we will brighten ur mind!

  • knauf
  • PEAB
  • hausia
  • Lahden messut
  • Farmari
  • andumus
  • Heinolassa jyrää


Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy

Vanha Talvitie 2-6 A 5

00580, Helsinki


Directions to us from

Marketing brochures and catalogues

Markkinointiesitteet ja katalogit

A traditionally printed product is about to make its comeback. With 20 years of experience, we've gotten quite clever when it comes to brainstorming and planning different kinds of brochures and catalogues - with a special devotion to marketing. We go all the way from business cards to heavy catalogues, from expo flyers to direct marketing, and from marketing brochures to user manuals.


Staff & Customer Magazines

Henkilöstö- ja asiakaslehdet

The companies want to invest in staff & customer magazines, because a magazine is an effective way to create and manage the customer relations. In addition, these days the magazine shares a close relationship with the Internet, both complementing and supporting one another. Our pencils are sharper and cameras have more memory than ever before, and the publishing software is aching for more content - we're ready to create staff & customer magazines!

Ease the burden of publishing by clicking the contact button below!

Expo marketing


Expositions are, by their finest, the most effective face-to-face meeting with the client. In addition, expos are often good forums to be brave and showcase the products and services of the company. Contact us, and we'll create your company some expo marketing - the modern, or the traditional way.

Let's find your way to thrive the expo!

Graphic design

Graafinen suunnittelu

Designing a company's logo or giving it a little face lift often gives an impression of an effective and active business. We at Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy thrive in brainstorming, planning and creating graphics and corporal images for companies. From prints to the web, or by all means, both.

Looking forward for more graphical times, post us a form!

3d Production

Sometimes a company has a product or service, which is not ready, or of which it is impossible to make a demonstrative presentation. We create easily and effectively multiple kinds of 3D models and representations of products, buildings, packaging and other multidimensional projects. We also offer our services in the field of animations and other corporal presentations.

Let's face the third dimension together!

Websites and webstores

Internetsivut ja verkkokaupat

We plan, code and optimize your company's website or webstore to meet the challenges of today and the future. By optimizing, we talk about creating the website or the webstore for different kinds of search engines, therefore assuring your presence in the global web. The only thing left for you is to make a killing.

Throw yourself to the web by communicating through it!

Video productions and editing

We shoot, record, edit, glue - and even act - the presentational videos, commercials, tv-spots and all the rest of the assignments related to audiovisual materials. Video productions and editing might as well be a part of your company's e-marketing. Video and audio will be a crucial factor when acquiring more visibility in internal and external communications.

Face the audiovisual world one letter ar a time!

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Hakukonemarkkinointi (SEM)The challenge for websites and webstores is to be different in the eyes of different search engines. Search Engine Marketing will bring your products and services to the top of the search list, whether we're talking about Google, Bing or Yahoo. Don't waste your time and money to futilities, let us instead place your company to the exact place you want it to appear at in the search list: number one.

To the top of the search list using plain fingers!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

liikenne hakusana meta-tagi rakenne semantiikka linkki kuva kappale liikenne Title Description URL-osoitteet sitemap.xml Käyttöliittymä Navigaatio 301 404 Webmaster Tools "alt" ASCII H1 H2 H3 <head> <em> <strong> Robots.txt “nofollow” <meta name> DTD (Doc Type Definition) Googlebot-Mobile Google Analytics Website Optimizer Visits Pages / Visit Unique Visitors Bounce Rate Avg. Visit Duration Conversions Traffic Sources Technology SEO

It's not enough to have content on a website, it also has to be made in a proper way. We know what the search engines like. We'll modify and stylize the structure of your site and make sure your site is optimized and the keywords are placed exactly in the right spot, exactly in a right way.

Visiting the optimizer is enough, book a time!

They don't serve you properly?

Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy is always prepared to serve its clients, with creative actions easy to measure!

You don't knowwho I am?

We are Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy. We are a creative partner for clients who need their products, brands or communication to be more spectacular. We are we!

Oh, these digital terms...Who gets them?

Sick of coding, buffering or JPGs? Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy is a digital agency that gets the digital world. So leave the digidigi to us!

Can you hear me,it's a go time!

We strongly believe that Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy is the most agile advertising agency in Helsinki. Contact us, and we'll tell you what-why-how!


We have over 20 years of experience of creating efficient marketing and communication here at Mainostoimisto Helsinki Oy. Would you prefer better results as well?






